The North Hills PTO would like to welcome you and your family to the 2024-2025 school year. We would like to invite everyone to be an active participant in our organization.
The PTO has many exciting programs planned throughout the year. Since we do not have any membership dues, we depend on parent volunteers, donations and our one fundraiser to help offset expenses. Money from the PTO directly benefits our students by providing field trips, a skating party, track meet shirts, assemblies, Memory Book and other activities throughout the school year.
Some activities that the North Hills PTO helps support and run are Cultural Heritage Day and Earth Day Activities, Sixth Grade Farewell and more!
2024/2025 School Year PTO Meetings
Meetings are held from 6 PM to 7 PM at North Hills Elementary School on the following dates.
- Monday 9/9
- Monday 10/14
- Monday 11/4
- Monday 1/6
- Monday 2/3
- Monday 3/3
- Monday 4/7
- Monday 5/5
Get Involved
- Interested in getting involved? Please contact the North Hills PTO.
- All parent/guardian volunteers must have up-to-date clearances with the District. Learn more about District Volunteer clearances.
The PTO has various activity opportunities and committees for you to be involved with such as:
- Book Fair: Help provide Scholastic books to students and their families. Volunteers are needed during the day and evening hours. We have one fair in October and one in April.
- Community Outreach: Help give students the opportunity to donate items to different local charities during the school year. Volunteers are needed to collect and deliver the items.
- Fundraiser: Our one fundraiser is the only source of income for the PTO: it allows for all the special assemblies, field trips, Sixth Grade Event, Memory Book, track shirts and many more. This committee works to organize and set up the fundraiser, numerous volunteers are needed. We will be kicking this off in October.
- Hospitality: Help coordinate volunteers and donations of food items for special activities and teacher appreciation events at the school.
- Memory Book: Help create a memory book for all the students to enjoy. Throughout the year volunteers are needed to get sponsorships, take pictures and assist with layouts.
- Parent Involvement & Volunteers: Help organize the room parents as well as plan the fun! Organize and help with the classroom parties for the Cultural Heritage Day (November) and the Earth Day (April).
- Rewards: Help the PTO earn money for our school by promoting and collecting Box Tops for Education, Giant A+ Rewards and other programs.
- Scholarship: Each year, a scholarship is awarded to a CYHS senior who was a former North Hills student. Help is needed to review applications and complete student selections.
- School Store: Help run a low cost school supplies store for the students at school once a month.
- Sixth Grade Event: Help say 'goodbye' to the sixth graders by coordinating this special event at the end of the year. Volunteers are needed to collect donations and run games throughout the school day.
- Sunshine: Help keep in touch with the staff with special notes and cards for birthdays or special life events.
North Hills PTO
Jamie Yun
Vice President
Lanie Pinkerton
Valerie Roth